Portable Toilet Hire for Weddings

ortable Toilet Hire for WeddingsPlanning a wedding can be one of the most stressful endeavours to exist. You want to make it perfect, not just for you and your significant other but also for all your guests. On your list of things to look into, there are the flowers, the dresses and suits, the location, the transport and more. All of this is important but there is an additional thing that you may require and not even realise that you do; a place for your guests to relieve themselves. 

Weddings can have many, many guests; up to and exceeding 100 people and many locations do not provide adequate on-site facilities. The last thing you want is a queue outside the toilet that stretches out of the building, people are a desperate need to go but no free space; an unappealing concept to say the least. We’ll talk a little about what sort of toilets for hire there are and how you may benefit.  

How many do you need? 

This is one of the most pertinent questions that does require a bit of maths to answer. You are going to need enough facilities to ensure that, regardless of the varying influx of users, they can effectively accommodate everyone that needs them. I believe that many would say that a nearby bush or a dark spot in the parking lot is not really an acceptable substitute on their special day.  

Something that many suggest is a safe bet is to have around four stalls each, for males and females, at a wedding that hosts around 150 guests. Use that as a basis and do the maths, if you’re looking to invite more or less, it’s a good place to start the guesswork. 

That being said, I don’t think anyone would blame you for staying safe and getting more than you might need. It’s always better to have and not need than to need and not have. There are a lot of options from eco-friendly to luxury options available for you to consider. 

Luxury Upgrade 

Now perhaps this is a new thing that you also have not considered but you can go for a higher end of portable toilet block hire. There is nothing to say that you cannot go for a portable toilet that provides a bit more of a luxury experience for your guests; weddings are, after all, a demonstration of extravagance in a declaration of love. The rest of the event could be exemplary but a lacklustre bathroom for the guests could put a damper on things. 

These toilets do not necessarily have to exist solely for their intended purpose, instead, they can also be a place to wash hands, freshen up or catch a glance in a mirror to make sure their outfit is still on point. This would ensure your guests get the best use out of your investment while giving off an air of quality and consideration.  


This point is a consideration that most will make instinctively but it certainly doesn’t hurt to make sure that it is remembered. Accessibility is not only whether the facilities can be used by everyone but also where it is located on the premises. 

A few concepts to consider within this point are: 

Is it accessible for disabled people?  

Many facilities have wheelchair access to make sure everyone can use them. This is something worth considering as a ramp benefits older guests and other people who have a disability who may be able to walk but find steps challenging or dangerous. The fewer options you give for mishaps to occur, the less they will. 

Where on the grounds is it located? 

The instinct might be to hide the toilets out of the way and around a corner to allow people an additional aspect of privacy and that is a fine idea but make sure it isn’t too far away. As we mentioned in the previous point, you do not want to make it too far for disabled or elderly people. You also don’t want people getting lost while looking for them.  

Make sure you keep them nearby the primary location of the event and make appropriate signage to let people know where they need to look.  

Does it require a power hook up? 

There is plenty of portable toilets hire for weddings that require no power and are ready to go on a heartbeat. There is also the more luxury kind that has lighting, hot running water and more that require power. Be sure to keep that in mind when selecting a location. 

Order well in advance 

There is, without a doubt, a lot on one’s mind when planning a wedding but it never hurts to jot down a list and tick everything off well in advance. The last thing you want to do is be caught a few days before the event and realise that you have not made the necessary plans to provide the toilet facilities. Don’t hesitate and see it as soon as you can.  

If you’re in the midst of planning for a wedding and require a top-quality service from a reliable provider of mobile toilet facilities, Addplant is the ones for you. Feel free to give them a call on 01482867227 or visit portable toilet page.

Find out more here!



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