Are public toilets safe to use during a pandemic?

Are public toilets safe to use during a pandemicNow, there’s a question we never thought we’d be asking, let alone answering in our lifetime – but here we are.  And in 2020, this is one of the most popular questions to ask. 

People want to stay safe, but we also don’t want to stay confined to our homes any longer.  For our own mental health, well-being, and sanity, we want to begin to get out and about again and continue to enjoy the great outdoors and activities with our family. 

However, we want to do all of this knowing that there are perfectly hygienic and sanitary toilet facilities available, where social distancing measures can still be maintained, helping to keep everyone safe and law-abiding! 

At Addplant, we have seen an increase in the volume of portable toilets for hire, as these toilet facilities can help provide additional facilities when other public open toilet blocks have been closed or minimised to support social distancing (they’re also exceptionally well maintained and serviced by our professional team we might add!) 

Benefits of using portable toilets 

Firstly, there’s just you in the toilet; you don’t have to share facilities or cubicle blocks.   

This may sound strange, but this one person in one toilet (rather than a toilet block where germs from coughs and sneezes can still travel) provides the ideal solution to reduce the virus from spreading. 

It also helps maintain social distancing measures between people and avoids overcrowding in sink areas and hand drying areas.  No longer do people have to often share small spaces. 

Portable toilets also, and for all, we don’t really like to think about it, help people make the more sanitary option! 

This leads us to the point that it is now more socially acceptable to use a portable toilet than ever before.  Because when we think about it and you consider your options – use a portable toilet or find a tree that helps hide your modesty…. We know which one we’d prefer. 

There is an increased risk of germs and viruses spreading in shared toilet areas as research has shown us that flushing a toilet can create a cloud of aerosol droplets. Unfortunately, these droplets can be transported in the air and inhaled by others using the same restroom.  This makes single-use portable toilets more preferable as this risk is reduced considerably in these situations. 

How we can all play our part 

We all have a degree of responsibility and an important role to play in helping to stop the spread of Coronavirus. 

For businesses and managers increasing the frequency of cleaning should most definitely be considered.   

Cleaning high touch point areas such as toilets, sink taps, counter tops, soaps, light switches, door handles, etc. should all be cleaned regularly throughout the day. 

We must also encourage everyone to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds.  Or use hand sanitiser when handwashing facilities aren’t available, again to help reduce the risk of contamination.  Washing your hands immediately after using the bathroom does help to remove any virus particles!  Additional posters and signage can help communicate these messages.   

Hand sanitiser stations can and should be placed at the entrance and exits to portable toilet areas, helping to build up people’s confidence and provide that additional hygiene element. 

You will also now find paper towels to replace fabric towels for hand drying and often antibacterial wipes can be available within the toilet cubicles themselves so people can clean the facilities before and after use. 

It is advisable to wear a mask, again to provide everyone with that little further protection.  And you should avoid touching your face, specifically your mouth, nose, or eyes, especially before you have washed your hands. 

Many businesses are closing multi-stall bathrooms, and meeting customer needs better and more cost-effectively in some instances, by installing portable toilets. 

The single floor to ceiling, complete units are the preferred option already for many site workers and construction firms; however, this has now increased two-fold across various sectors and businesses to help protect from Coronavirus and other nasty germs. 

We want to help people re-engage with the outdoor activities they love.  That’s why we provide ongoing cleaning and servicing of all our portable toilets, an increase in waste management removal, and our team is only a phone call away if you have any questions or queries. 

Call us on 01482 867 227 and see how we can help support you and your customers today. 

Find out more here!

Reference video: Inside Edition



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